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Showing posts with label monitoring tablespace sizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monitoring tablespace sizes. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Oracle Database monitor tablespace script

With this script you can monitor tablespaces sizes in oracle database. This script returns next columns:

Tablespace - tablespace name

Size MB - currently allocated space of tablespace in megabytes

Free MB - free size from allocated space in tablespace in megabytes

Max MB - size of maximum space until tablespace will extend in megabytes

Maximum free space in MB - free space in tablespace until it will be full, this is real value for monitring because it is showing real free space in tablespace in megabytes

Used MB - what space is used frm allocated space by segments in tablespace in megabytes

Used % - percentage of used space in tablespace, this is also real monitoring value

Status - oracle offers best practice for tablespace used percentage values 85% - caution, 90% - alarm, 97% - critical, so this script is depend on this values.

select df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       round(df.tablespace_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Size MB",
       round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Free MB",
       round(df.tablespace_maxsize / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Max MB",
       round((df.tablespace_maxsize - (df.tablespace_size - round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0), 2)))
       / 1024 / 1024,2) "Maximum free space in MB",
       round((df.tablespace_size / 1024 / 1024 - fs.free_space / 1024 / 1024),2) "Used MB",     
       to_char(round((df.tablespace_size - round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0), 2)) /
                     df.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
               '990D99') || ' %' "Used %",
         when round((df.tablespace_size - round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0), 2)) /
                    df.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 95 then
          'CRITICAL - 95%'
         when round((df.tablespace_size - round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0), 2)) /
                    df.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 90 then
          'ALARM - 90%'
         when round((df.tablespace_size - round(nvl(fs.free_space, 0), 2)) /
                    df.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 85 then
          'CAUTION - 85%'
          'OK < 85%'
       end "Status"
  from (select 
               sum(bytes) tablespace_size,
               sum(decode(maxbytes, 0, bytes, null, bytes, maxbytes)) tablespace_maxsize
          from dba_data_files
         group by tablespace_name) df,
               tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free_space
          from dba_free_space
         group by tablespace_name) fs
 where df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name(+)
       ts.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       round(ts.tablespace_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Size MB",
       round(nvl(tfs.free_space, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Free MB",
       round(ts.tablespace_maxsize / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Max MB",
       round((ts.tablespace_maxsize - (ts.tablespace_size - tfs.free_space))
       / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Maximum free space in MB",
       round((ts.tablespace_size / 1024 / 1024 - tfs.free_space / 1024 / 1024),2)
        "Used MB",
       to_char(round((ts.tablespace_size - tfs.free_space) /
                     ts.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
               '990D99') || ' %' "Used %",
         when round((ts.tablespace_size - tfs.free_space) /
                    ts.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 95 then
          'CRITICAL - 95%'
         when round((ts.tablespace_size - tfs.free_space) /
                    ts.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 90 then
          'ALARM - 90%'
         when round((ts.tablespace_size - tfs.free_space) /
                    ts.tablespace_maxsize * 100,
                    2) > 85 then
          'CAUTION - 85%'
          'OK < 85%'
       end "Status"
  from (select 
               sum(bytes) tablespace_size,
               sum(decode(maxbytes, 0, bytes, null, bytes, maxbytes)) tablespace_maxsize
          from dba_temp_files
         group by tablespace_name) ts,
               tablespace_name, free_space from dba_temp_free_space) tfs
 where ts.tablespace_name = tfs.tablespace_name
order by 7 desc, 1 asc;

note :
If it'll work slow on your database, main reason for this is your recyclebin, if there is too many objects then dba_free_space view will work slow, solution for this is to purge dba_recyclebin